Why should you squat?

In general, a squat is a functional, lower-body compound movement that incorporates several muscles at one time. Ultimately, performing various squats can build and tone the body, may improve coordination, and may support functional movements; the movements and activities we perform in our daily lives. One example of a functional movement is getting up from a chair. Therefore, building strength in the legs, by performing squats, can assist with this movement.


Are there benefits to doing squats?

To begin with, there are many benefits when performing squat variations. Some benefits are as follows:

  • Improves Posture
  • Prevents Injury
  • Increase Fat Burn
  • Maintains Balance
  • Strengthens Core
  • Tones Lower Body
  • Builds Running Speed
  • Improves Jump Height
  • Improves Mobility
  • Improves Flexibility


Can squats improve body composition and help build and tone muscles?

In addition, various squat positions can strengthen multiple muscles at the same time. This is important if workout time is limited. Some muscles that may be worked while performing or holding squat positions are as follows:

  • Core (obliques, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominus, and erector spinae)
  • Glute (maximus, medius, and minimus)
  • Quads (front thigh)
  • Hamstrings (back thigh)
  • Calves (lower back leg)
  • Adductors (inner thigh)
  • Hip Flexors


Are there different squat positions or types?

There are several squat positions that use just the body or combinations that involve equipment. Different squat positions can target and work specific muscles. In addition, squat exercises that are more challenging can be performed on an unstable surface, incorporate plyometric movements, or unilateral squats that only use one leg. The following are just a few examples of basic squat variations:

  • Basic Squat Stand with feet hip-width apart. Sit back on the heels and bend the knees. Lower the hips towards the floor until thighs are parallel to the floor. Straighten the legs and repeat the exercise.
  • Basic Squat (modified) Sit on a chair with feet hip-width apart. Sit back on the heels and bend the knees about 90 degrees. Slower stand up while pressing through the heels and without rocking forward.  Do not let the knees shoot past the feet. Sit back down in a slow controlled manner and repeat the exercise.
  • Basic Static Squat  Stand with feet hip-width apart. Sit back on the heels and bend the knees. Lower the hips towards the floor until thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold the squat position for 20 seconds stand up and repeat for another 20 seconds. (using the wall for support is optional)
  • Sumo Squat Stand with a wide stance. Knees and feet are pointed out. Bend knees and lower the hips towards the floor. Straighten the legs and squeeze the buttocks without locking the knees. Repeat the exercise.
  • Static Sumo Squat  Stand with a wide stance. Knees and feet are pointed out. Bend knees and lower the hips towards the floor. Straighten the legs and squeeze the buttocks without locking the knees. Hold the squat position for 20 seconds stand up and repeat for another 20 seconds.


Are squats sensational?

YES! Overall, squats can incorporate a multitude of muscles at one time. They can improve body compositions, build muscle, improving posture, mobility, functionality, and performance. This exercise can also assist with weight management, by burning fat and extra calories.  Squats are absolutely sensational.  So what are you waiting for, Just Squat It!

For more squat variations visit


Ten Day Challenge – Jumpstart

The specific exercises that are included in the 10 Day Jumpstart Challenge program by Get Up and Go Wellness, LLC., involves high-intensity intervals that incorporate compound, total-body movements. The program also includes isometric, static holds that target the core muscles. Make the wellness change and join the Get Up and Go Wellness team. Get your free Get Up and Go Wellness e-book today!

Download 10 Day Challenge Jumpstart E-book Now

Disclaimer: NOT all exercises or exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Before attempting to begin any exercises consult your physician. The possibility of injury exists when engaging in any exercise or exercise program. You agree that you take this risk voluntarily and with full responsibility. You agree that Get Up and Go Wellness LLC. and their affiliates, including their personal trainers, are NOT responsible for your potential injuries or property damages sustained by or through the participation in the exercises in this program. The advice or comments in this program are in no way a substitute for professional medical advice. Discontinue any exercise and stop immediately if it causes pain, severe discomfort, dizziness, or shortness of breath. If you experience these systems consult a medical professional.