Why should you perform push-ups?
In general, a push-up is a functional compound movent, just like squats. Push-ups start off in a plank position, but it is a dynamic movement that targets the upper body and core. Push-ups can help improve overall body composition, support fat loss goals, and increase strength and mobility that may improve overall function during daily activities.
Are there benefits to doing push-ups?
First of all, performing various push-ups have a multitude of benefits, and over-time may contribute to the following:
- Improves Posture
- Maintains Balance
- Strengthens the Core
- Tones Upper Body
- Improves Flexibility
- Improves Mobility
Can push-ups help build and tone muscles?
Second of all, various push-up positions can incorporate many muscles. Some muscles that may be incorporated are as follows:
- Transverse Abdominis
- Deltoids (shoulders)
- Forearms (lower arm)
- Biceps (upper front of arm)
- Triceps (upper back of arm)
- Pectorals (chest muscles)
- Serratus Anterior (muscle attached to ribs)
Are there different push-up positions or types?
Third of all, there are several push-up variations that use just the body or combinations that involve equipment. Different positions can target and work specific muscles. For example, the pike push-up exercise loads the shoulders, while the deficit push-up focuses on stretches the chest. Challenging push-up exercises include plyometric movements, weighted vests, or single-arm unilateral movements. The following are just a few examples of basic push-ups:
- Basic Push-up Lay on the belly with toes on the floor with the palms down slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Press hips forward to straighten the torso. Align the torso, head, and hips. Bend the elbows, lower the chest 1-3 inches to the floor then push up and straighten the arms.
- Push-up on knees (modification) First lay on the stomach on forearms with the elbows aligned with the shoulders. Next, extend the legs and engage the core. Then lift the body using the knees. Always keep the head, torso, and spine aligned. Then suck in the belly towards the spine, and engage the core. Slowly lower the upper body and align the torso, head, and hips. Bend the elbows, lower the chest 1-3 inches to the floor then push up and straighten the arms.
- Wall Push-up (modification) Stand facing a wall and press palms on the wall at chest level, shoulder-width apart. Keeping the palms on the wall, step the feet back and stand on the toes. Bend the elbows and lead with the chest. Lower the chest 1-3 inches to the wall then push up and straighten the arms. If there is discomfort in the front shoulder, lower your palms on the wall. Keep the core tight, and align the torso, head, and hips as you lean-in and push away the wall.
- Tricep Push-up Lay on the belly with toes on the floor with the palms down aligned with the shoulders. Press hips forward to straighten the torso.
Align the torso, head, and hips. Bend the elbows close to the torso, lower the chest 1-3 inches to the floor then push up and straighten the arms. - Tricep Push-up (modification) Lay on the belly with toes on the floor with the palms down aligned with the shoulders. Press hips forward to straighten the torso. Align the torso, head, and hips. Bend the elbows close to the torso, lower the chest 1-3 inches to the floor then push up and straighten the arms.
- Wall Tricep Push-up (modification) Stand facing a wall and press palms on the wall at chest level, elbows stay in and hug the sides of the ribs. Keeping the palms on the wall, step the feet back and stand on the toes. Bend the elbows, leading with the chest. Lower the chest 1-3 inches to the wall then push up and straighten the arms. If there is discomfort in the front shoulder, lower your palms on the wall. Keep the core tight, and align the torso, head, and hips as you lean-in and push away the wall.
Are push-ups a polished exercise?
To conclude, push-ups, are elegant and sophisticated. The movement is disciplined and effective. Push-ups can be performed with simple modifications. This exercise may also improve overall body composition, reduce body fat, and support functional movements included in daily activities. So, what are you waiting for? Just Push It!
For more plank variation visit
Ten Day Challenge – Jumpstart
The specific exercises that are included in the 10 Day Jumpstart Challenge program by Get Up and Go Wellness, LLC., involves high-intensity intervals that incorporate compound, total-body movements. The program also includes isometric, static holds that target the core muscles. Make the wellness change and join the Get Up and Go Wellness team. Get your free Get Up and Go Wellness e-book today!
Disclaimer: NOT all exercises or exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Before attempting to begin any exercises consult your physician. The possibility of injury exists when engaging in any exercise or exercise program. You agree that you take this risk voluntarily and with full responsibility. You agree that Get Up and Go Wellness LLC. and their affiliates, including their personal trainers, are NOT responsible for your potential injuries or property damages sustained by or through the participation in the exercises in this program. The advice or comments in this program are in no way a substitute for professional medical advice. Discontinue any exercise and stop immediately if it causes pain, severe discomfort, dizziness, or shortness of breath. If you experience these systems consult a medical professional.