Get Up and Go Wellness

Why should we get up and go every day?

Everyone knows that a sedentary, carefree lifestyle coupled with bad eating habits, and exposure to free radicals is an invitation for life-threatening diseases. So why do some of us choose to live this way? Some people say it is more affordable to eat junk food and use toxic products in their homes compared to healthier options. Others say they don’t have the time to be active or go to a gym. While others claim that stress is unavoidable and that is why they need comfort food or make unhealthy choices. Today is the day you can live pure and make positive changes in your life.

Make A Move In The Right Direction

#1 Mobility at the Workplace

To begin with, incorporate more mobility in the workplace. If you have a job that prevents you from going to the gym try wall push-ups or the activities listed below:

  • Walk or ride your bike to work
  • Take the stairs
  • Do 5 squats in your seat every hour one day
  • 5 wall push-ups every hour another day
  • Take a walk around the block during lunch
  • Before you leave work march or jog in place for 4-20 minutes

Choose Healthy Food Options

#2 Eat Organic

Next, try to add a few healthy snacks and organic items to your grocery list.:

  • Eat more organic fruits and vegetables
  • Pack your healthy lunch or smoothie
  • Experiment with healthy recipes
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Avoid sweet beverages, prepackaged and processed foods
  • Look into Intermittent Fasting

Make It Clean And Friendly

#3 Live Pure

Then, incorporate natural cleaning products for a toxic-free home. Here are a few ideas: 

  • Lemons degreases
  • Baking Soda mild abrasive
  • Distilled Vinegar cleans windows
  • Tea Tree Oil removes mold and mildew
  • Salt tackles grime
  • Hydrogen peroxide disinfects

Minimize Stress And Clear The Mind

#4 Positive Mindset

After that, practice clearing the mind to promote happiness and productivity:

  • Change the negative mindset
  • Meditate or pray
  • Practice breathing exercises
  • Incorporate daily relaxation techniques
  • Read motivational words
  • Listen to calm music 

Get Up and Go Wellness

Do you agree, that there are steps you can take towards better health?

To sum it up, it is easy to remain sedentary, give in to stress and make unhealthy food choices, but that may result in problems with health in the future.  Take simple steps and make a change to improve the quality of life. You may look better, feel better, and be prepared to deal with stressful situations. So what are you waiting for? Get Up And Go for Wellness!     

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Ten Day Challenge – Jumpstart 

The specific exercises that are included in the 10 Day Jumpstart Challenge program by Get Up and Go Wellness, LLC., involves high-intensity intervals that incorporate compound, total-body movements. The program also includes isometric, static holds that target the core muscles. Make the wellness change and join the Get Up and Go Wellness team. Get your free Get Up and Go Wellness e-book today!

Download 10 Day Challenge Jumpstart E-book Now

Disclaimer: NOT all exercises or exercise programs are suitable for everyone. Before attempting to begin any exercises consult your physician. The possibility of injury exists when engaging in any exercise or exercise program. You agree that you take this risk voluntarily and with full responsibility. You agree that Get Up and Go Wellness LLC. and their affiliates, including their personal trainers, are NOT responsible for your potential injuries or property damages sustained by or through the participation in the exercises in this program. The advice or comments in this program are in no way a substitute for professional medical advice. Discontinue any exercise and stop immediately if it causes pain, severe discomfort, dizziness, or shortness of breath. If you experience these systems consult a medical professional.